Friday, May 27, 2005


Nothing like the anticipation of a three-day weekend (complete with early release from work). And a good-weather three-day weekend to boot. And the added bliss of understanding that there will not be many more weekends (let alone long weekends) without our new family member making her presence known -- therefore, sleeping in is not only a suggested but MANDATORY long weekend activity. As is brunch, I do believe.

It's great to see the parents and my grandma, although my poor grandmother took a nasty fall last week in NYC and fractured her wrist (and maybe her hip). Therefore she's pretty well sidelined, as are my poor parents who have to take care of her. So it's not exactly wild times in DC... although as I'm pretty well sidelined myself, it's not so bad. She's just so fragile, physically AND mentally. The selfish upside of their strandedness at my house is that my parents are doing things like pulling weeds and shopping and cooking, and that is great by me! Not much of a vacation for them though -- and they're going to be doing a bunch more of it when they come back in a few weeks for babytime!

Meanwhile, Star Wars was a lot of fun -- about a billion times better than the last two, in my amateur opinion -- and even Grandma claimed to enjoy it (though I doubt she got much of it, and everyone in the row kind of chuckled when she started snoring during one of the [many] battle scenes).

Well, time for lunch, it's been SUCH a hard day at work. Grin.


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