Wednesday, April 27, 2005


I guess I got too sure of myself, and now I'm in the doghouse...

A week of bedrest, to be exact -- doctor's orders. Seems my amniotic fluid is a little LOW and my blood pressure is a little HIGH (and lord knows the ankles are just ENORMOUS).

Didn't feel like particularly hard living, but I suppose in retrospect the a) working long and stressful hours -- till midnight last night, e.g., b) eating badly while working said hours, and c) almost certainly neglecting proper hydration, probably weren't the greatest decisions, especially taken all together. (The bathroom cleaning marathon two nights ago may also have been a misstep.) But... but... I just feel so GOOD! Unstoppable! After all that crummy sickness in the first two trimesters, how could I not test the limits? I'm so bad. Bad mommy, and baby's not even born.

Anyway, I am one who responds to wakeup calls. I am trying not to be too worried about this (especially since G. is still in London till tomorrow night) and try-try-trying to look at it as a welcome opportunity to enjoy chick flicks from my couch while the other suckers I know are all at work. Or something like that. (Only it isn't fun to be home "sick" when you don't feel sick!)

I hope you don't think I'm being nonchalant. Believe it or not I cried in the doctor's office parking lot -- I seriously thought I was going in for a 10 minute "everything's perfect" checkup. I just have to work on not fixating on the bad things this could forbode because there's nothing I can do about it but change my ways. Right?

Meanwhile, the immediate victim here is my poor yard -- scheduled for planting this weekend, but now apparently doomed to surging weeds and no annuals (unless G. has the time and the motivation). But for now I must focus on growing this much more vital weed!


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