Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Against the odds

Today was one of those statistical anomaly days, where EVERYONE leaves their houses at the same time and chaos ensues. My 15 minute commute took 40 minutes, the doctor's office parking lot (normally wide open) was PACKED, and everyone and their brother was grumpy, grumpy, grumpy (why do these kinds of statistical anomaly days not seem to happen in reverse -- NO ONE on the road, NO ONE in the parking lot -- as often?).

It was tempting to use the bizarre traffic fluctuations as an excuse to bag it all and just go home for the day. But alas, I've been off for the last two, so just couldn't justify it. So I'm here at work, tired tired tired, plotting my escape (I wish) and counting down the hours.

Meanwhile, news from the doctor is good -- blood pressure back to normal so delivery timing back on track. Low-salt diet remains in place (BOO, but I can handle it). Pregnancy-related carpal tunnel has kicked in in my hands and feet, but again -- I think I can handle it. All for a good cause.

My blog posts are so freaking boring these days, even to me. I apologize, and understand if you click away. I have been feeling very literal these days as I waddle toward the pregnancy finish line.

No more news on SS (my family friend, kind of like another dad to me, who has been fighting leukemia for most of the past year) . I wait for updates with bated breath, and at this point figure no news is bad news indeed (last I heard he was back in the hospital, probably for good, and not wanting visitors). It seems a fine line between concern and pestering, so I am trying hard to give them all space for now, until I can't wait anymore. Thank goodness P. did not insist on hosting my shower (which was lovely by the way) at her place -- she was not even able to attend, in the end. Understandable and so trivial, really.

So, that's the catchup. Hope to be more interesting soon.


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