Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Third (trimester) Watch

Had another doctor appointment today. Swelling way down (good), amniotic fluid levels normal (good), blood pressure still skewing a bit high (less good). She wants to monitor me more closely -- weekly now -- and if I continue to skew high they may want to induce/schedule a c-section (depending on baby's position -- she's still breach as of now) at 38 weeks.

Today is 34 weeks... so WOW that is soon. When you're this close two weeks really does count!

Meanwhile, every time I mention the possibility of a c-section to my parents (which is more and more likely with every passing day that she doesn't turn, I guess), they gasp and say things like "OH NO" and "Oh I HOPE you don't have to go through that," etc. etc. etc. -- like it's a huge doomsday prediction. Honestly, this reaction is stressing me out! I figure if my doctor feels it has to happen, it has to, and I might as well be flexible about it and try not to worry. It is not helpful for them to (outwardly at least) express their vast opposition to a possible outcome they cannot control (and I know they want for me whatever is best/safest/smartest). I tried to call them on it today, and I think they got it -- because all of a sudden it changed to, "Well, it'll be fine, it's probably no big deal" (which of course didn't exactly ring true either after the initial gasping in horror). Ugh.

That said -- I would be a little sad if I had to have a c-section. I can't totally explain why, and I have non-pregnant, childless friends who can't understand why you would want anything *other* than a scheduled c-section (no labor, pretty non-smushed baby, etc). But... I want to understand labor, and feel contractions, and tell my husband "it's time," and go through that amazing life event together. I have nothing but respect for the c-section, and certainly believe it's just as legitimate a form of birth, and motherhood... just would prefer the other way (not to mention the recovery from c-section just doesn't sound fun).

In other news, a mutual friend had a "portent" yesterday that SS will live to meet the baby. I hope she is right; on good days it seems likely and easy, on bad days I almost wouldn't wish such a protracted painful existence on him. We will see. A scheduled c-section at 38 weeks certainly would make that a more realistic possibility, I suppose... For him, two weeks early could make all the difference.


Blogger robyn said...

After 24 hours of labor, and 3 hours of hard pushing (on no epidural because it had long-since worn off) with no progress -- when they finally decided to do a c-section, I swear I heard angels rejoicing. And my recovery was muuuuuch faster than another blogger who gave birth on the same day but had an episiotomy.

My OB didn't give me a choice on having a c-section this time around, but quite honestly, I'm glad / thankful. I don't even think I could handle the thought of a VBAC after my last labor experience.

Your mileage may vary of course...but they aren't the end of the world. In the end, you still get to hold your precious little bundle and that's all that matters! :-)

8:25 AM  

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