Thursday, April 28, 2005

Good signs

Well, after one day of feet up on the couch, curbed salt intake, and about a gallon of water, my first-thing-in-the-morning weight is down FIVE pounds already. So that is very promising. Dang, I must have been retaining an absolute LOAD of fluid. (I also only had to pee twice in the night in spite of drinking all that water, so I must have been majorly dehydrated... I'll never really understand the biology of why drinking more makes you retain less, but I totally believe it.) Anyway... I am learning my lesson in drastic fashion. Wow. Hopefully the positive signs will continue and my appointment Monday will be fine... the key will be if the amniotic fluid is replenished. Speaking of -- time to go refill my water and stretch the old (MUCH less swollen, thank you) legs!! (Then more chick flicks!)


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