Monday, January 10, 2005


It's happened -- I've officially become an emotional basketcase! The weird thing is, I don't feel particularly sad or anything... actually mostly really happy... I just find myself always crying (or on the verge thereof!)! The sappy commercials are the worst; looking at last week's sonogram pictures today did it too, and last night I started blubbering while talking to G. about how much our lives are about to change. Couple nights ago I watched "Mona Lisa Smile," which honestly I thought was a really really cheesy movie, and I still boohooed all over myself. Hell, I even felt a little verklempt when I heard Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt broke up (come ON, now). Ahh, hormones. Between this and the excess saliva (don't ask), I really think it's time to buy stock in Kleenex...


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