Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Amazing stuff.

Our 12-week appointment was today and everything was FAB!! Actually when we got there the doc couldn't find the heartbeat with her stethoscope thingy, which made me a bit nervous -- but she said probably just meant the uterus was tilted back. To ease our minds she was able to sneak me in for an"off the record" (ie not reported to insurance) sonogram which was a super bonus!!

We saw EVERYTHING -- the profile, hands and feet waving, lots of moving and wiggling and rolling over!! we even saw 5 fingers on one hand (little pudgy things!). It was so, so excellent. I finally am feeling like I can be really excited about everything and enjoy it. It definitely was a big deal to see the shape of a real little person in there -- definitely changes the dynamic (and makes it impossible to be quite so abstract about it all).

Also, it turns out they think we're at 13 weeks, not 12 like we thought... although it may just be a lonnnnng baby (definitely possible considering the 6'6" papa!). That would make the due date June 21. Anyway, at my next appointment (Jan. 6) they will do another sonogram (and MAY be able to tell gender at that point) and a big blood test (during which time they'll test for possible Down's syndrome indicators... but they don't have any reason to think i have much risk...knock wood). For now, i'm just feeling really positive and happy.

That's the latest and greatest! :)


Blogger robyn said...

How exciting! Just wanted to say "congrats" and thanks for saying "hi"...

3:46 PM  

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