Monday, December 20, 2004

Return of an Old Foe

Big horrible pimples. Constellation-style. Thought they were vanquished about 10 years ago. Discovering they are one of the lovely rewards of pregnancy. Just in time for the holidays. Whatever happened to that "pregnancy glow"? (Or was that code language for "pizza face"?)

In other news, I can safely say I've experienced my career high (The Big Award) and low (a stupid, stupid, retarded mistake) in the space of three weeks. I just hope their proximity reminds my bosses that I'm not a total screw-up, and that the former outweighs the latter.

Heading home to my mommy and my daddy -- and leaving behind this -10 degree weather shit in the deal -- in three days. Not that I'm counting. (Just 237599.99999999985 seconds to go....)


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