Thursday, January 13, 2005

Blogging Identity Crisis

I keep having this feeling that the blogging world is very, very small. More and more I see references to blogs I read on OTHER blogs I read. I guess this makes sense due to the nature of links, and comments, and such -- that is the way we all have found each other, after all... but I have now worked myself into a state of paranoia that my "secret" blog will be found.

Googling my blog name and actually having it come up -- along with what amounts to a history of comments I've left on other people's blogs, in some (non-blogspot) cases where they might be associated with my email address -- has added to my over-analysis.

And it's not like I have any really enormous revelations here (other than being pregnant, which was big when it was secret). I just kind of like it being more or less anonymous. Makes me feel more like I can say whatever -- bagging on my husband or friends or my JOB, etc. etc. etc. Basically -- it's a journal.

The sucky part is, as a result I am reluctant to put links to some of my very good friends' blogs on my own page (which you readers might really enjoy), or blogrolling them, because I know they'd eventually refer back to me (and they don't know I'm blogging). I started a "baby blog" that is not anonymous -- mostly for friends and family, but for some interested blog pals too -- but don't allow comments for the simple fear that somehow comments there would lead the people who actually know me back here. My "real-life" friends (who don't know about this blog) keep saying, "Why don't you allow comments, that's LAME!"

But I'm a paranoid blogging nut, I'm afraid. :)


Blogger Kati said...

I'm the same way. I would practically die if anybody I knew found out about my blog. And it's not like I write anything that would be mean or anything, it's just private almost, and so yeah. I feel the same way.

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so living my old life...down to the pregnancy. as someone who has "been there, done that" just don't say anything that could get you in trouble about work.

basically no:

1. my boss is a dick
2. i go home and have sex when i should be working
3. i steal pens and paper everyday
4. i sexually harrass my coworkers
5. i hate my job.

i dont think a blog is a problem as long as you aren't doing anything you'd normally do/say at work. keep it clean...keep the job.

but then again, that takes the fun out of blogging!

the sarcastic journalist

10:59 AM  

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