Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Dr. Strangelove

We call the baby Dr. Strangelove, because although she obviously WANTS/NEEDS to suck her pacifier, she can't stop her crazy hands from ripping it out. It's like that movie where Lily Tomlin is controlling half of Steve Martin's body. It would be hilarious if it didn't cut short almost every nap.

Speaking of sleep, we didn't much last night. She has been getting in some nice long chunks lately, but just in the last week has started going to bed really early, and then waking up 3-4 times. I am not sure how to stretch it out. We want to encourage an earlier bedtime so we can have some grownup time, BUT.... what good is a 5-6 hour sleep interval if WE are not also getting that sleep?? Hmm.

Also, I have been finding mass quantities of baby hair on L's bassinet sheet all of a sudden. Soon, she will have a monk tonsure. That will be HOT!


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