Wednesday, March 09, 2005

More proof that I am a West Coast Girl.

So I was in Boston (or rather, 18 miles outside) for work yesterday. It started snowing halfway through my afternoon meeting, and by the time I got in my car and started driving to my downtown hotel, it was dark and basically blizzarding.

I must give Boston this: they do not skimp on the salt. And in spite of the already-scary fact that my rental car was a KIA (not promising in any weather, IMHO, esp. at 5.5 months pregnant), I really didn't slip around too much. But, between the sleet and snow and darkness and frozen windshield wipers that didn't wipe at all, I could not see anything. ANY. THING.

So, I'm plodding along at 5 miles per hour on the highway. In spite of going relatively slowly (in a 65-mph zone), it was terrifying! At one point I had to maneuver off the road and wipe down the car -- which helped for about 15 seconds, until I was encased in ice again.

Two hours later, got to downtown Boston -- only to find every street sign iced over, and no passers-by on the street to ask directions. And could there BE any more one-way streets in Boston? I kept taking turns and knew I was getting farther and farther from my hotel, but wasn't sure which way was back.

Finally, a beacon -- a police car idling at the curb. I pulled up, forced my door open, staggered through the elements, and pounded on the window. I wish I could say I kept my cool. But at that point it was just too much -- so I cried, mascara and tears freezing on my face almost instantly. The nice officer took pity on me -- truly, I was pitiful -- and escorted me to the hotel. Teased me a little bit for crying -- but I didn't even care at that point. I'd made it!

I'm sure there is a metaphor or a moral in here somewhere, but the only one I can seem to take away at this moment is -- GET BACK TO CALIFORNIA WHERE YOU BELONG, YOU FOOL! HAS SIX YEARS IN DC TAUGHT YOU NOTHING? CLEARLY, IT HAS TAUGHT YOU NOTHING!

So anyway. I am properly humbled, and now back in DC (where 32 feels balmy, by the way), but longing for my *real* home.

(PS: Abby -- I so thought of you and your long-ass commute -- if my 18 miles was 2+ hours, how did you do? Shannon -- glad you made it home safe and sound! Poor things -- pregnant ladies like us should not be allowed outside in such weather!)


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