Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Back just in time to leave again

Florida was great. Started cold and I was a bit grumpy about that, but by the end, it was 75 degrees with a light breeze off the lovely sea, and not a cloud in sight. Redemption! My only complaint (other than the fact that our hostess eats one real meal a day, making me feel like a huge -- albeit justified, for once -- hog for feeding my face all the livelong day) was that I burned the SHIT out of the tops of my feet. And people, that itches!! And hurts! And Advil is temporarily off the menu...! (Thankfully, green aloe vera goo is not.)

It was weird though, at moments. I felt so free, walking down that beach. And yet -- although I rejoiced in seeing the cute little kids in cute teeny weeny kiddie bathing suits playing in the sand, and thought "I can't WAIT to bring our child to the beach" -- I also felt a little sad that G. and I probably won't get to dash off for little (romantic?) getaways like this for much longer, or at least as easily. I know that's normal. But I felt a little guilty even thinking it. Things are about the change, bigtime. Big, big, bigtime. I fear I'm not ready!! But here she comes anyway!!

And the other thing I noticed about myself, which really I've GOT to stop: making snide (although private) comments about certain uglyish traits of children I happen to see. Like, "Ha ha, that kid has a HUGE head," or "Oh my god, that kid looks like Chucky," or whatever. It's a total joke, but I just know it's BAD BAD karma. I mentioned this to a friend who said, oh well, even if you have an ugly kid you'll never know it, because she'll be beautiful to you! And while I'm sure this is true... I also am sure the people I've made said comments to will say behind my back, "Ha, remember all the smack she used to talk about other people's kids? And she has the doofiest-looking kid of all!" And I don't want that (even if it's true). So, note to self: cut it out!!

Okay, this was going to be a short post on the fly. Now I'm way behind and I have to get out of here in an hour to take G. out for his birthday (Feb. is a big month in our family). Tomorrow, I head down south for a work trip for a couple days... will be nice to be out of the office at least, although I'm so unprepared.

Later, gators!


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