Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Two Pregnancy Thoughts, etc.

I'm sorry. I swear I didn't set out to be one of those pregnancy bloggers. Pregnancy, pregnancy, blah blah blah. But, here's the thing. I can't blog about work (much), and frankly -- work included -- pregnancy is by far the most interesting thing happening to me. At least as far as I'm concerned. So. My blog, my prerogative.

(Speaking of "My Prerogative" -- kind of -- do we think Britney Spears is really pregnant? It's been rumored forever. I'd love to see what kind of maternity clothes she picks out. Oh, and I love this "Tab Fab" reference on Eonline this week -- specifically re: "butt bombs": "Poops, They Did It Again..."


1. I had my first real baby dream a few weeks ago. I was at some awards ceremony thingy, like maybe the Oscars, partying like it was 1999, running around, being stupid. Then someone said "Hey, where's the baby?" And I said, "Oh my god, that's right, I have a baby! Where IS the baby?" At which point I ran around the party looking for this baby that I knew in theory I had, but couldn't quite picture and didn't remember arriving with. Now, things get fuzzy here, but I think I eventually found the baby, felt horribly guilty, and got scolded by whoever was watching baby during my period of neglect. What is not fuzzy is the (still lingering) sense of guilt and horror and fundamentally, secret belief that THIS COULD MAYBE REALLY HAPPEN?!

Okay, I guess this is the almost-mommy dream equivalent to that one we all had in high school where we showed up naked, or the one where we didn't study for the big test (or was I the only one?). But it gave me ANGST, people.

2. Today I am convinced that I have discovered the greatest invention ever: single-serving cottage cheese. See, I really really like cottage cheese when it's fresh and newly opened, but when I go in for that second serving a few days later, and it has become soupy with a bluish hue, I can't take it. And it's supposed to be like the best thing you could ever eat during pregnancy. I was eating a few bites of the big containers and letting them go to waste, or forcing myself to gag it down (a feat considering I've been nauseous for 19 weeks). Enter the single serving. Expensive yes, but so well worth it. Hallelujah, Breakstones fat free small curd! Life is great.

Ooh, I'm getting kicked (in a nice way). Meanwhile, apologies for the tangents and the rambling. I feel a little slap-happy today. Must be time to go home.


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