Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Godforsaken Boob Tube

So far I have mostly resisted American Idol. I watched the first 30 minutes and just felt sad for the people who honestly thought they were good, but clearly were not. I think I am becoming soft (or just bored). I think I'll check back for the top 12. Maybe. Once The Amazing Race concludes...

I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm getting tired of of tv. I tried to give some of the new "critically acclaimed" dramas a chance, because I truly am sick of reality shows, but I just didn't care. I still love The Daily Show, but it was much more fun before the election (and now it mostly makes me sad, too, at its core).

Now, I realize most people would be HAPPY to be turned off, so to speak, by tv. They'd go do something else, and be productive, functional, contributing members of society instead. But here's the problem. No matter how I dislike it, I STILL MUST WATCH IT. Turned off though I may be... I can't seem to turn it off.

I am tv's bitch.
(Which is ironic -- and telling -- given my line of work, but that's another story entirely.)

I think I need an intervention.


Blogger Kati said...

TV is evil. Very bad. Awful. Horrible. I can think of many describing words. I don't watch TV. It kills to many brain cells.

1:48 AM  

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