Friday, March 25, 2005

Just as I feared

So, I have a big doctor's appointment first thing Monday morning. Glucose test, big sonogram (regular and 4-D), and checkup. I'm excited (esp. for the sonogram)! We may get to see her face!


It occured to me today to wonder what kind of preparation might be involved for this glucose test. I looked on the web and found everything ranging from "do whatever you usually do," to "eat a small breakfast," to "don't eat ANYTHING." Yes, there is such a thing as TOO much information, Internet.

So I decided it was time to actually call the doctor's office...

Me: Is there anything I should or should not eat before the test?
Nurse: Well, since it's first thing in the a.m., you really probably shouldn't eat anything. Eat a small low-sugar breakfast if you absolutely must, but make sure it's early. Oh -- AND -- you really should watch your sugar intake this whole weekend; you wouldn't want to skew the results.

UMMMM. Does she not know that this is EASTER CANDY WEEKEND? And that I have a closet full of Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs, Hershey chocolate eggs, and chocolate-covered marshmallow eggs, just waiting for an excuse to be eaten? (And to boot, a birthday party with delicious cake on Sunday night? Cake, the only thing I have been truly craving lately?)

Why oh why oh why is the universe so unfair?


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