Monday, November 15, 2004

The Dilemma...

...To tell the in-laws, or not to tell?

Pros: I want them involved, I know they will be SO happy, I fear they will find out someday that *my* parents knew way before they did, this could be a great bonding opportunity, etc. etc. etc.

Con: My MIL has the biggest mouth on the planet. And should something go wrong and she's told the world (against my will), she will have to untell them, and that is NO ONE'S business. Right?

You'd think that simply swearing them to secrecy would be all it would take... but a solemn vow is nothing that can't be undone with a few drinks (and with her there are MANY cases in point). If she hadn't told me a lot of other people's secrets (without my asking, I might add), I might not worry so much. And I'm not sure she deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Maybe we'll tell after the big appointment on Wednesday. It's weird... I just feel so jinxy.


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